Sunday, November 8, 2009

Trip across Lake Huron on a Bayliner Avanti 3250

This was neat video I found whole trolling around You Tube for boat videos. This video is one of kind and it is a bit exhilirating when you consider that the dude did a 9 hr trip, alone, on an older boat (one that I would be likely to buy.) All that in a 7:48 min clip. I had forgotton how huge of a trip this was until he mentioned that he spent something like $1500 in fuel (2008 when the prices were sky high.)

There's one element of boating that I really like and that is the sense of possible danger but when the risks are properly managed, being in your boat is no more dangerous than being in your car (perhaps safer than a car where you ALWAYS have oncoming traffic.)

Anyone who lives near the Great Lakes is lucky because those damn things are just like the ocean only without the usual salt water problems.

When I do finally buy a boat some day I am going to look for boats that started their life in freshwater. In my area that would be boats in and around Winnepesauke and Lake George, NY and whatever that lake is (Erie?) that borders northern New York. I have noticed some nice craft listed out of northern Vermont which must be Lake Champlain or something.

Anyway, this is a good video and it would be cool if people would make more videos like this whether it is focusing on the fun that they had or more of a technical documentary of the checks/procedures that they perform along the way.

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